Relevant links
Affiliated sites
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EJB container independant - supports many database types
J2EE consultant - experienced
This site only represent private opinions from a humble M.Sc.EE
operating without ties to large companies.
Information is provided without responsability for how a reader might use it.
Hibernate 3.x example(s)
Simple example... which is also put on my site
Intended as a quick demo of a commenly used persistece layer.
Hibernate 3.x persisting an object
running straigt from command line towards pointbase database.
Spring/Struts/Hibernate example
Simple example... also put on
Use Spring 2.0 / Struts 1.2.9 / Hibernate 3.1.3.
Intended as the simplest imaginable reference applikation using
the frameworks: a web-application, which creates, retrieves, updates, deletes
attributes (name,value) according to user interaction - ie.
CRUD Web applikation
for handling of attributes, running on a Tomcat servlet-engine.
My other sites
The fun part
Service to hairdressers
A series of auction sites, coded from back-end to front-end, running on Tomcat/JSP/PostgreSQL wiht SSL certifikat termination on Apache webserver
Auction sites with fokus on business.
Tech stuff.
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